Nigella (Nigella sativa), or black seed, is closely related to the garden annual love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena). It is native to rocky areas of Southeast Europe and Western Asia. Like its cultivated cousin the plant has finely divided thread-like leaves and after white or pale blue flowers the seeds develop inside a papery capsule. Nigella is widely used as a spice across the Indian subcontinent and Middle East to flavour vegetable and pulse dishes as well as bread. It is also used in Ayurveda and Islamic Prophetic medicine and modern researchers have demonstrated a range of pharmaceutical benefits.

Why not try using nigella in this delicious Moroccan tagine recipe?


Nigella (Nigella sativa), or black seed, is closely related to the garden annual love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena). It is native to rocky areas of Southeast Europe and Western Asia. Like its cultivated cousin the plant has finely divided thread-like leaves and after white or pale blue flowers the seeds develop inside a papery capsule. Nigella is widely used as a spice across the Indian subcontinent and Middle East to flavour vegetable and pulse dishes as well as bread. It is also used in Ayurveda and Islamic Prophetic medicine and modern researchers have demonstrated a range of pharmaceutical benefits.

Why not try using nigella in this delicious Moroccan tagine recipe?