TUDOR ADVENT | Winter Festival
Before Christmas was officially moved to its permanent home of late December to early January there were already Pagan midwinter rituals in existence in Europe. These began with the winter solstice (shortest day) on 21st December. The lengthening of the days after the solstice was seen as a sign of the approaching Spring and a reminder that soon the growing season would begin anew. In celebration of the ‘life giving sun’ bonfires were lit to help strengthen it.
TUDOR ADVENT | Winter Festival
Before Christmas was officially moved to its permanent home of late December to early January there were already Pagan midwinter rituals in existence in Europe. These began with the winter solstice (shortest day) on 21st December. The lengthening of the days after the solstice was seen as a sign of the approaching Spring and a reminder that soon the growing season would begin anew. In celebration of the ‘life giving sun’ bonfires were lit to help strengthen it.